Privacy Curtain

The house locates in the very quiet residential district surrounded by woods. As the existing house had a unique shape window that is difficult to attach the ordinary curtain rail, the architect searches a contemporary solution for the curtains.

All windows that require the curtains are faced to the private garden with a swimming pool and pavilion. What the architect and client wanted from the curtains was a thin, light curtain that let in plenty of light during the day, and at the same time, this single thin curtain that ensured privacy at night. What came to my mind was a textile called shading lace curtain in Japan. This kind of curtain was born from the unique Japanese living environment, where houses are densely packed and people worry about being seen.

We made a sample curtain for one window and hung it in the client's place to test the effect in various weather and times. The one we chose is a light ivory colored fabric with a lightly wrinkled texture. Although it's a very functional material, it doesn't look cold at all and harmonizes with the nature that can be seen through the spacious windows.

Completion : 2023
Location : Waamunster, Belgium
Program : House
Architect : JUMA architects
Textile design : Van Hongo
Photo : Van Hongo


Textile : 

Privacy Curtain

The house locates in the very quiet residential district surrounded by woods. As the existing house had a unique shape window that is difficult to attach the ordinary curtain rail, the architect searches a contemporary solution for the curtains.

All windows that require the curtains are faced to the private garden with a swimming pool and pavilion. What the architect and client wanted from the curtains was a thin, light curtain that let in plenty of light during the day, and at the same time, this single thin curtain that ensured privacy at night. What came to my mind was a textile called shading lace curtain in Japan. This kind of curtain was born from the unique Japanese living environment, where houses are densely packed and people worry about being seen.

We made a sample curtain for one window and hung it in the client's place to test the effect in various weather and times. The one we chose is a light ivory colored fabric with a lightly wrinkled texture. Although it's a very functional material, it doesn't look cold at all and harmonizes with the nature that can be seen through the spacious windows.

Completion : 2023
Location : Waamunster, Belgium
Program : House
Architect : JUMA architects
Textile design : Van Hongo
Photo : Van Hongo
